quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008

Pequim recebe seleções femininas para evento teste

A partir do dia 19 de abril, EUA, Australia, Cuba, Coreia, Nova Zelandia e China realizarão um Evento teste em Pequim. Um torneio de alto nivel, numa disputa todos contra todos, que irá ate o dia 26. Um excelente teste para as cubanas que deverão nos enfrentar na partida decisiva do pré-olímpico mundial. Pena pra nós...

Segue a tabela:

19th April 2008:

14:30 hours: New Zealand vs. Cuba

16:45 hours: USA vs. Australia

20:00 hours: China vs. Korea

20th April 2008:

14:30 hours: Cuba vs. USA

16:45 hours: Korea vs. New Zealand

20:00 hours: Australia vs. China

21st April 2008:

14:30 hours: USA vs. Korea

16:45 hours: Australia vs. Cuba

20:00 hours: China vs. New Zealand

23rd April 2008:

16:45 hours: Korea vs. Australia

20:00 hours: Cuba vs. China

22:15 hours: New Zealand vs. USA

24th April 2008:

16:45 hours: Korea vs. Cuba

20:00 hours: China vs. USA

22:15 hours: Australia vs. New Zealand

26th April 2008:

13:00 hours: Game for the 5th-6th place

15:15 hours: Game for the 3rd-4th place

17:30 hours: Draw for the Olympic Basketball Tournaments

20:00 hours: Game for the 1st-2nd place22:00 hours: Medal Ceremony


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